“At PLSP-GS, we don’t just work for your success, we work for it!” – A PLSP-GS mantra that works its essence when the first batch of pioneer students received their diplomas and accepted their hoods with pride and dignity, signifying that they fulfilled all the requirements that the graduate school set.
The PLSP-GS held its first commencement exercises and first hooding ceremony on June 27, 2023. The 29 professional students from three programs—Master of Arts in Education, Master in Business Administration, and Master in Public Administration—marked this date as a pivotal moment in their lives. Their dedication paid off as they burned the midnight lamp to meet the deadline, struggled to find a few researches on the internet, studied for the comprehensive exams almost constantly, and spent countless sleepless nights getting ready for the proposal, pre-oral and final oral examinations.
Receiving an award or honour is such a wonderful way to be recognized for all the efforts exerted. The Special Citation Awards were given to ten professional students. The Meritus Award (Cum Laude) went to Ms. Irene D. Filart (MAEd), and the Benemeritus Award (Magna Cum Laude) went to Ms. Ansherina Natalio-Comia (MAEd); additionally, she was given the College Service Award.
Ms. Erlene A. Delgado, a graduate of the Master of Public Administration programme, is the recipient of the highest honour (Summa Cum Laude), the Merissitimus Award. The Dean’s Medallion for Research Excellence, Best MPA Thesis, Leadership Award, and Loyalty Award are other honours Ms. Delgado has received.

(Source: PLSP-GS)
Everyone, including the graduates and the real-life heroes (parents, loved ones, and professors) who trusted PLSP-GS with the duty of ensuring that the student received a quality education, deserve a round of applause.
Soar high, PLSP-GS! Soar high, BATCH DASIG!