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Human Kinetics is a discipline focused on the comprehensive study and practice of human movement and exercise and its impact on health and physical performance. Accordingly, Human Kinetics will promote an interdisciplinary understanding of health and human movement, drawing on both the social and natural sciences. Human Kinetics will be dedicated to creating and advancing knowledge that promotes healthy individuals and communities through physical activity. The Human Kinetics program emphasizes interdisciplinary and interprofessional approaches to the study of physical activity and health. The curriculum includes core, concentration, and elective courses, giving students common foundational knowledge as well as the opportunity to complement their choice of specialization with courses of personal interest.


The College of Human Kinetics aims to be the leading institution in its service area for physical education, sports science, and wellness.


The College of Human Kinetics is assigned to provide holistic development of the learners thru it’s basic servicers and specialized courses in physical education, sports science, dance, recreation, and wellness, producing 21st-century future educators, and globally competitive graduates, and offering fitness programs to its associates.


The College Of Human Kinetics develops academic and professional competence to enable an individual to earn a living, render unique services to society, and provide its students the full development of their cultural, emotional, intellectual, physical, and social endowments for effective participation in various professions and experiences that characterize an educated and holistically-developed person through physical and health programs and activities.


  • Observe and explore the physical, biological, and social environment with the intent to effect the necessary changes to make them healthful and habitable
  • Demonstrate convincing enthusiasm and intellectual ability for  further studies in Human Kinetics and Health Education and allied discipline.
  • Produce graduates who can organize and administer sports programs (both intramurals and extra murals).


  • Cooperation
  • Humility
  • Knowledge
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